Math and Science Gifts

Earth Jigsaw Puzzle

Infinite Galaxy Puzzle 2

Infinity Jigsaw Puzzle

Moon Puzzle

Large Geode Jigsaw Puzzle

Geode Jigsaw Puzzle

Stackable Solar System Cuff

Large Marbling Infinity Puzzle
From the galaxy to physics to biology, science has the ability to strike wonder in the hearts of us all.
Whether it’s exploring infinity and beyond or understanding what makes our brains tick, everyone can find something they love about science. This makes the field a popular choice for gift giving. It’s a safe bet that someone in your life will enjoy science gifts!
For those that love physics and math, try the kinetic sculpture toys designed by John Edmark.
Edmark, an artist with a love of science, was inspired by nature and created this enchanting kinetic toy based on the Fibonacci Numbers. It's a shapeshifter; with one flick of the wrist, it goes from pinecone to helix. With another twist, it’s back to a pinecone again.
If you’re looking for something a bit more hands-on, give This Book Is a Planetarium a spin.
This Book Is a Planetarium uses the power of paper to explain how things work. Part pop-up book and part cabinet of curiosities, you'll discover a collection of six functional gizmos, from a portable planetarium to a decoder ring to a never-ending calendar.
The stars are always in style.
Sometimes, you just want to wear something that’s absolutely stunning. In that case, look no further than the solar system jewelry of Yugen Tribe! Their bezel pendants look like jewels, but those with an affinity for the universe will recognize the likes of Mars’ red glow.